Sunday, March 28, 2010

Holy of Holies The Great Temple of Abu Simbel

Abu Sir was considered the forgotten site of the kings of the Fifth Dynasty. Despite the multiple effects of their own, these kings did not receive the same popularity that won their ancestors.

Abusir located in the north of Saqqara area, and there are remnants of the sun temples, pyramids, and tombs of some of the senior statesmen of the Fifth Dynasty.

And recall of these effects, the pyramid of a group distinguished galore. Although he was in poor condition and incomplete but it was found on the inside of significant pieces, including a group of statues of the kings of the ancient state.

The Great Temple of Abu Simbel

Abu Simbel is an archaeological site is south of the mountain valley of Aswan in Egypt.
It consists of two large temples carved in the rock. It was built by King Ramses II in 1250 BC. M.

Interface and the temple consists of four large statues. Of the king wearing a crown of Upper Egypt and Lower altitudes of 67 feet (20 meters) and there are small statues representing the royal family and the door leading to rooms 180 feet in length.

In the temple, there are six other statues of four of Ramses II and two for his wife Nefertari ...

Front of the temple and the great show where four statues of Ramses II, twenty meters high ..

Other photos on the other hand of the temple, one would notice statues of the king, has collapsed since about 2000 years because of a massive earthquake, has been allocated this temple to worship the god (Ra Hoor sister) Machine sunshine and rising, faced 33 م currently 38 m and height of the statue per 20 م.

A picture of the temple from the air ..

Photo collection at the temples ..

Temple has three different rooms the view of eight side rooms for storage offerings

Sun lounges there by eight colossal statues of Ramses II, each of which rise in the form of ten meters (Aozyres god of death).

At the end of the temple and at a depth of 56 م there (the Holy of Holies) is a square room with four statues of the goddess three of them (my sister spirit Ptah, Amun-Re) and the second from the right (of King Ramses) ..
Occurs in this temple is unique as the intervention of the Sun (the Holy of Holies) for half an hour twice a year in October and February 19 to 23

Project to save the temples of Abu Simbel from drowning::

These effects were due to be danger of sinking, Lake Nasser behind the Aswan High Dam.
The Government has been Egypt in cooperation with UNESCO in 1965 to transfer the temple nearby with a high level of the reach of the waters of Lake Nasser. The project included the temple to cut large stones weighing 1-2 tons, then lifting and then assembled in the new location.
This work has cost 36 million participated in the funding of the world at large, and the rescue operation lasted for 5 consecutive years under the supervision of (5) international companies ..

Has been set up over the Mount industrial temples to give the true nature of the temple carved in the mountain armed by the Dome of the huge rise, respectively, 65 and 38 م M. ..

Picture shows my Tamozjip Abu Simbel temples before and after the transfer ..

Picture shows my Tamozjip Abu Simbel temples before and after the transfer ..

High Dam Lake Nasser

Image showing the Temple of Abu Simbel on the banks of Lake Nasser by transport ..

Photos illustrating the temple while being transferred to the new location ..

Image of the temple after being transferred to the new location away from the lake ..

Now a quick overview of the temple of Abu Simbel income and abroad

Temple of Abu Simbel at night

Image pattern from within the Temple of Abu Simbel The battle (Cadiz), and notes of King Ramses II on a huge military vehicle in the battle won by the (Hittite) ،

Amun seated on a chair in front of King Ramses II, carved from inside the Temple of Abu Simbel.

Some effects and Anakouchet inside the temple ..

Statue of the wife of King Ramses II (Fenris)

1 comment:

  1. wow..!nice photo
    mr yan from indonesia
